Alternative Medicine Solutions for Sleep Disorders

For some people, insomnia is a lifelong problem. For others, the issue is temporary, lasting days, weeks, or even months before sleep patterns return to normal. Thankfully, there are several alternative medicine solutions that can help people who are suffering from sleep disorders.

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Last Updated: Tue, February 4, 2025

Insomnia affects a large number of individuals, with many experiencing it at some point in their lives. Those dealing with insomnia or other sleep-related conditions often find it challenging to fall asleep, remain asleep, or might wake up frequently during the night. Additionally, some people face the problem of waking up too early, which can lead to decreased productivity, irritability, diminished memory, daytime tiredness, and occasionally, a decreased enjoyment of life overall.

Although it’s perfectly normal to have a restless night here and there, not getting enough quality sleep on a regular basis can be hard on your health, both mentally and physically. For some people, insomnia is a lifelong problem. For others, the issue is temporary, lasting days, weeks, or even months before sleep patterns return to normal. Thankfully, there are several alternative medicine solutions that can help people who are suffering from sleep disorders.

What Causes Temporary Insomnia?

Temporary insomnia can last anywhere from a single night to several weeks. Many things can bring on this problem, but the most common cause is stress. Illness or temporary pain from some sort of injury can also bring on periods of insomnia. Sometimes the problem is caused by something in the environment, such as sleeping in a new place, too much light, or too much noise. 

And, of course, changes in the sleep pattern, such as working a different shift or jet lag, can also bring on periods of temporary insomnia. If you are experiencing temporary insomnia, it’s essential to be aware of daytime fatigue that could lead to accidents on the road at your job.

What Causes Chronic Insomnia?

For most people, temporary insomnia will usually resolve itself. However, temporary insomnia can develop into a chronic issue if the cause of your inability to sleep is not addressed. In more severe cases, chronic insomnia may be the result of mental or emotional disorders, including extreme stress, depression, and anxiety.

Other health conditions, like sleep apnea, breathing problems, hormonal or digestive disorders, and even heart conditions, can cause chronic insomnia. Drug and alcohol abuse and overuse of stimulants like caffeine and tobacco are also common causes. And finally, poor bedtime habits, like keeping the television on when you’re trying to fall asleep or not having a regular bedtime schedule, could also be the cause.

Using Herbalism and Supplements to Relieve Insomnia

There are several herbs and supplements that are recommended for the treatment of insomnia. Herbs and supplements are a great alternative to conventional sleeping pills because they are usually non-addictive, and they don’t generally leave you feeling drowsy when you wake up in the morning. 

Here are some herbs and supplements to consider trying if you are suffering from chronic or temporary insomnia:

Aromatherapy for Insomnia Relief

“If you’re having racing thoughts and difficulty settling into a restful sleep, insomnia may creep in,” says Yinova Center Chinese Medicine expert, Kate Reil. Kate is an acupuncturist and herbalist who often incorporates essential oils into an overall treatment plan for patients suffering from insomnia. She goes on to say that essential oils can be used for easing feelings of anxiety and promoting deep sleep.

Here are some essential oils to try:

Relaxation Techniques to Relieve Insomnia

Relaxation techniques can help you fall asleep more quickly, sleep longer, and feel more rested when you wake up. They should be used about 20 or 30 minutes before bedtime, and there are several different techniques you can try.

One of the easiest techniques to try is visualization. All you do is get in a comfortable position and imagine a calming scene. Try to include all of your senses. For example, if you’re at the beach, think about the way the breeze feels on your skin, hear the waves, smell the salt water, and picture the waves in your mind. The more vivid you visualize the scene, the more effective it will be.

Yoga is beneficial for insomnia because it includes several relaxation techniques, including stretching, meditation, and deep breathing. A study done by Harvard showed that people who do yoga every day for eight weeks fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and don’t wake up as often during the night. Try searching online for a gentle nighttime yoga routine and do it every night about half an hour before bedtime.

Massage Therapy for Insomnia

Studies done by the Mayo Clinic show that massage therapy is beneficial for reducing the stress that can lead to insomnia. Massage can help people sleep more deeply and restoratively. Massage can help boost the production of the hormones melatonin and serotonin, which are both critical for quality sleep. It’s a smart, drug-free option that can be used over the long term to help with both short-term and chronic insomnia.

Many physicians are beginning to recognize the value of alternative medicine for treating insomnia. Conventional sleeping pills are beginning to take a back seat to safer, more natural therapies. A multi-dimensional approach that addresses the patient as a whole may improve the outcome for patients who are hesitant to turn to pharmaceuticals.


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As an experienced researcher and content creator, Donna has covered health, wellness, bio-hacking, and fertility-related topics for numerous publications. She is a former writer for an alternative medicine clinic and can often be found researching the latest industry approaches and trends. Donna loves sharing the insight she's learned from her own experience with navigating the wellnes, in the hopes that it will inspire others on similar journeys.